The Ultimate John Travolta GREASE Movie Comic Strip: A Tribute

Grease Comic John Travolta

Comic Panel 1 Apollo summons John Travolta to Olympus to discuss the movie Grease

Comic scene showing John Travolta in Olympus eating with the Greek Gods Athena Hermes and Apollo

Alternative Flying Car Scene at end of Grease Movie Comic Strip

Grease Movie Comic with John Travolta as Danny Zuko

Some of you may already know that I am a huge fan of the movie Grease, the 1978 hit, starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, along with many other great cast members.

I have already explained the secret meaning of the movie Grease in another post, which I highly recommend reading if you haven’t already. It explains what the flying car scene at the end of the Grease film really means.

The comic version of Grease differs significantly, but in reality, they are both connected. In this Grease movie comic, John Travolta is in his flying car with Olivia Newton-John, and she asks him: What’s this crazy scene all about?

On one hand, John Travolta knows what the ending in Grease is all about. However, he seems to be keeping it a secret from Sandy, Olivia Newton-John. Another question is, did the Greek God of entertainment, Apollo, make him keep quiet about it? Only John Travolta knows the answer.

John Travolta Tribute

John Travolta, known as the king of the dance floor, the lord of the leather jacket, and the iconic Danny Zuko, has left behind an unforgettable legacy, particularly in the beloved cult hit movie Grease.

From the moment he stepped onto the big screen as Danny Zuko, we knew we were in for a wild ride. Who else could make a pompadour haircut and a black leather jacket look that cool? Okay, maybe Fonzie from the TV show Happy Days, but after that, no one else can come close to matching John Travolta’s style.

Danny Zuko in Grease was a tough-guy gang leader by day and a smooth-talking, grease-stained hairdo sporting rockstar by night. It was like Travolta was born to play the role, and honestly, maybe he was. So here’s to John Travolta, the king of Grease and all-around amazing guy. He’s even a pilot for God’s sake!

Extra Movie Comics with Famous Stars

You will also find some other famous film actors in the Gods and Mortals comic series, featuring the Greek Gods, Athena and Hermes.

If you enjoyed this John Travolta comic, based on the Grease movie, you will probably also enjoy the hilarious Billy Zane Comic: The Zane-tastic Odyssey, Arnold Schwarzenegger Comic: The Terminator in Olympus, and THE MATRIX Comic about Keanu Reeves (Neo).

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The Ultimate John Travolta Grease Movie Comic Strip Tribute