The imaginative "Reign the Conqueror" anime, based on the life of Alexander the Great, is a must-see anime! From its striking visual style to its immersive narrative, "Reign the Conqueror" is more than just a historical retelling; it's a...
The 1978 film, The Greek Tycoon, starring Anthony Quinn, is one of the best movies filmed in Greece and the Greek Islands. It's a great movie to watch if you're interested in learning about the fascinating life of Aristotle...
Grease Movie Comic with John Travolta as Danny Zuko
Some of you may already know that I am a huge fan of the movie Grease, the 1978 hit, starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, along with many other great cast...
Kim Kardashian Comic: Based on her Love Life
You have just seen a Kim Kardashian comic based on her love life. Let's face it, her love life is a veritable soap opera, full of twists, turns, and tantalizing tidbits. Let's...
Billy Zane Comic: Gods and Mortals
In the latest installment of the Gods and Mortals series (comic number 12), Athena and Hermes meet up with the one and only Billy Zane in a zany film odyssey.
With a touch of...
Get ready to go on a mythical journey like no other with Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Greek Myths. This enchanting TV series brings to life four legendary Greek myths that will transport you to a world of Gods, monsters,...
The Matrix Comic: Keanu Reeves
The Matrix comic shows what happens when Keanu Reeves finds himself in a truly bizarre situation when Athena, the Greek Goddess of wisdom and war, unexpectedly knocks on his door. At first, he's absolutely stunned...
Prepare to embark on a journey through ancient Greek mythology with the hidden gem anime, Arion. Released in 1986, this visually stunning adaptation of the manga of the same name brings to life a captivating tale of power, betrayal,...
Nick Giannopoulos Comic
To fully understand this Nick Giannopoulos comic, you need to understand what he likes. In the first comic panel you see a Essendon football badge/logo (the fighter jet) on the wall. Nick is a huge Essendon supporter!
Nancy Kovack may not be a household name today, but she was a prominent actress in Hollywood during the 1960s. One of her most unforgettable performances was in the classic film "Jason and the Argonauts" (1963), where she brilliantly...