Tom Cruise Comic: Hollywood Star Born on July 3, 1962, in Syracuse, New York, Thomas Cruise Mapother IV (as he was originally named) grew up in a troubled household. His parents divorced when he was young, and he spent much...
                Jeff Bezos Comic: Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos is a name that resonates with innovation, creativity, and dare I say it — world domination! In this Jeff Bezos comic, we get to see what happens if he gets too arrogant. Born on...
                AI Comic: How Wise Can AI Get?  Want some more laughs after seeing this AI Comic? Look no further than these amusing situations involving AI: In 2016, Facebook came out with a chatbot named "Tay," hoping it would learn from everyday...
                Julian Assange Comic Welcome aboard to the first-ever Gods and Mortals comic strip! I'm kicking things off with a bang by featuring none other than Julian Assange, the mastermind behind WikiLeaks. Look seriously, I am on side with Julian Assange all...