Andrew Tate Comic with angry Greek Gods in Las Vegas

Athena Greek Goddess of Wisdom shocks Andrew Tate

Funny Andrew Tate big Simp comic scene

Andrew Tate Comic: Angering Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom

Andrew Tate, the infamous internet personality and former professional kickboxer, has made plenty of headlines for his outlandish behavior and humorous antics.

If Andrew Tate, self-proclaimed ‘King of the Internet,’ met Athena and Hermes in Las Vegas, what would happen? The answer could be what you’ve just seen here in this Andrew Tate comic: ‘Greek God Special’.

Athena would undoubtedly be very angry with Andrew Tate, given his remarks that women are not meant to lead but rather follow. If they did meet, I wouldn’t be surprised if he showed himself to be a big simp. He might stop short of kissing her feet, but who knows? After all, no one would want to incur Athena’s wrath.

Funny Things about Andrew Tate

Some of the most side-splitting moments in Andrew Tate’s life include:

The beard debacle: Andrew Tate grew a ridiculous beard for a Kickboxer magazine photoshoot, which quickly became a meme and earned him the nickname “The Unibrow King.” He later shaved it off, only to reveal an even more impressive collection of facial hair on his cheeks.

The wrestling matches gone wrong: Who can forget the time Andrew Tate accidentally suplexed himself during a match? Or when he got caught in a weirdly awkward hold and had to be pried loose like a human-shaped puzzle piece?

His epic fails on TV: Andrew Tate’s appearances on reality shows like “Big Brother” and “Celebrity Big Brother” often ended with him getting roasted by fellow contestants or flubbing simple challenges (like trying to cook a frozen pizza). We can’t help but laugh at his reactions – who else would calmly declare, “I’m not going to apologize for being a genius”?

His Instagram antics: Andrew Tate’s social media presence is equal parts cringe-worthy and hilarious. Who else would post selfies with ridiculous poses, captioned with phrases like “Tate-itude is my superpower”?

Andrew Tate’s catfights with other influencers are legendary, with some of them even calling him out for being “dramatic” – which we’re pretty sure is just code for “entertaining as hell”.

His perpetual feud with vegans: Andrew Tate has made it his mission to troll vegans on Twitter, much to the delight of his fans (and horror of vegan activists). His memes about veganism have become a staple of internet humor – who else could turn a hashtag #VeganSlaughter into a global phenomenon?

Andrew Tate is either a master of comedy or the master of self-sabotage. Either way, there are plenty of people who can’t get enough of his ridiculous antics.

Andrew Tate: Celebrity Crushes

Andrew Tate, the charismatic king of controversy, has left a trail of laughter, hatred, and lunatic behavior in his wake. Like a tornado of trolling, he’s swept up celebrities and left them reeling from his verbal assaults. Here are a few of his most memorable celebrity feuds:

Andrew Tate and Kanye West

Tate’s Take on ‘Ye: When Kanye West came on The Joe Rogan Experience, Andrew Tate was his unlikely plus-one. Despite their vastly different views, they bonded over their shared love of…well, being loudmouthed. Tate even gave West a backhanded compliment, saying he’d “redeemed” him by introducing him to the “dark side.” Who knew being part of the Illuminati required an intro to the Dark Web?

Andrew Tate and Stephen Colbert

Colbert’s Cacophony: On The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Andrew Tate’s attempts to expound on his theories about feminism and transgender issues were met with crickets and eye-rolling. The interview went off the rails faster than a WWE match, with Tate storming off set like a toddler having a tantrum over being asked to share his toys.

Andrew Tate and Snoop Dog

Snoop’s Sass: When Snoop Dogg called out Andrew Tate on Twitter for being a “pompous a**hole,” the internet collectively face-palmed. But instead of engaging in a full-blown rap battle, Tate cleverly poked fun at himself, joking that Snoop had finally found someone who could keep up with his wit…on Twitter.

Andrew Tate: The Attention Seeker

Rap Battle Royale: During an impromptu livestream, Andrew Tate challenged Yungblud to a rap battle that would put the stars of 8 Mile to shame. The two traded bars like they were trying out for American Idol…or a Nickelodeon game show. Their rap-off was so cringe-worthy it was endearing, like watching two dogs trying to bark along to “Who Let the Dogs Out?”

Meme Maestro: Andrew Tate has become the poster child for internet memes, thanks to his outrageous statements and eccentric behavior. He’s even started embracing his meme status, using them as an excuse to connect with his fans…or troll his haters, we’re not entirely sure which.

All of this showcases Andrew Tate’s playful side, but let’s be real – his controversial views are always lurking just beneath the surface like a finned menace in Sharknado. So, take this lighthearted look at his antics with a grain of salt…and a healthy dose of humor.

Andrew Tate isn’t anywhere near the attention-seeking level of Elon Musk, as seen in this comic about Elon Musk. Actually, when you think about it, perhaps he is.

The Andrew Tate Comic: Top G Comic

Andrew Tate even has his own Top G Comic, which features a storyline where he and his brother take on the Matrix. By the way, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out: The MATRIX Comic about Keanu Reeves (Neo)

Andrew Tate’s Top G comic (First Edition) sold for the hefty sum of $97, plus shipping costs. Watch this interesting YouTube video about Top G – The Andrew Tate Comic to find out more. I wonder how many comics he ended up selling.

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Andrew Tate Comic Greek God Special