BALI Travel Guide: 7-14 Days Bali Itinerary Planner

Bali Travel Guide Uluwatu Beach Cover

Bali, the island of the Gods, is a land of ornate temples, lush waterfalls, emerald rice fields, and amazing beach clubs, boasting Instagram-perfect scenery that will make you think you’ve stumbled into the ultimate paradise.

Millions of travelers flock to this Indonesian island every year, eager to experience its unique blend of culture, adventure, and relaxation. But, with so many Bali temples to visit, beaches to explore, cafes and restaurants to eat at (because, let’s be real, the food is a major reason Bali is so great), it can be overwhelming to plan the perfect trip to Bali.

That’s why I’ve created this Bali Travel Guide: 7-14 days Bali itinerary planner – to help you navigate the Bali’s best attractions as easy as possible. From cultural immersion to brilliant adventures, this Bali travel guide will help you make the most of your vacation. So, grab your sunscreen and your sense of adventure – because we’re about to take on Bali together!

Bali Travel Guide: Itinerary Advice

Get ready to fall under Bali’s spell! In this helpful Bali travel guide, you’ll discover the secrets to crafting the ultimate Balinese escape – from 7 to 14 days of pure bliss. But, let’s get real, the more time you get to spend in this tropical paradise, the better!

If you can arrange it, 14 days in Bali is the perfect indulgence, but don’t worry if that’s not feasible – 7 days is still a guaranteed ticket to paradise!

Even if you stay for only 7 days in Bali, you’ll get to experience the magic of Bali’s sun-kissed beaches, lush green landscapes, and vibrant cultural hotspots. You’ll make unforgettable memories, from watching magical sunsets and other amazing sights around the island. And trust me, those 7 days will be packed with so much wonder, you’ll be left with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and simplicity of life, and a deep gratitude for the experience on this incredible island.

A 10-day trip to Bali strikes a great balance between the brevity of a 7-day trip and the relaxation of a 14-day trip. Whether you stay for seven, fourteen, or any number of days in between, you can be sure that you’ll have an unforgettable experience on this stunning island.

Bali Itinerary: Days 1-3: Explore Kuta, Legian, and Seminyak

Bali’s party capital alert! If you’re visiting Bali, don’t get too comfortable in Kuta, Legian, and Seminyak. These areas are known for their vibrant nightlife and party atmosphere, but they can also be overwhelming and exhausting. For those who crave something more laid-back, there are plenty of other amazing areas to explore in Bali.

Seriously though, while these areas can be great for a quick dose of party vibes, Bali has so much more to offer. So, the recommendation is to stay in Kuta, Legian, or Seminyak for at least one day to get your party started, and up to three days max if you want to keep the good times rolling.

After a few days of indulging in beachside cocktails, questionable tattoo decisions, and sun-kissed strolls, you will most likely may find yourself craving something more than just the party scene. So, don’t get too comfortable in Kuta, Legian, or Seminyak – it’s time to expand your horizons and discover the rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural beauty that Bali has to offer.

From the vibrant cultural hub of Ubud, with its lush green landscapes, to the breathtaking coastal scenery of Uluwatu, with its stunning beaches and dramatic sea views, Bali is a destination that offers a wealth of exciting experiences and adventures.

In Bali’s ultimate destinations like Ubud, you can hike through lush green landscapes and pretend you’re a spiritual guru for the day. The island of Nusa Penida, which proudly proclaims itself ‘Paradise Island’ on its entry sign, is basically a little slice of heaven.

Then there’s Uluwatu, an awesome beach destination that’s so dreamy, you’ll probably start questioning yourself why you didn’t choose to stay there longer. And let’s not forget about Bali’s famous temple sites – they’re so awesome, you may start thinking about converting to the Hindu religion!

Should I stay in Kuta, Legian, or Seminyak?

In Bali, like everyone else, you’ll face the eternal struggle of choosing the perfect Bali accommodation! But fear not, Bali wonderer, for I have cracked the code. In a shocking revelation, I’ve discovered that it doesn’t matter if you’re staying in Kuta, Legian, or Seminyak – as long as your hotel has a fantastic pool, it’ll make you forget you’re in a super crowded touristy area.

Think about it: after a long-haul flight, you’re already feeling like a hot mess. The thought of walking through the chaotic streets of Bali, dodging motorbikes and street vendors, can be overwhelming. But then, you stumble upon your hotel’s magical pool area, and suddenly, all your worries melt away. The sound of the water lapping against the sides, the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the refreshing splash of the cool water – it’s like a little slice of heaven right here on earth.

So, don’t waste your time worrying about which beachside cafe serves the best nasi goreng or which surf spot has the most gnarly waves. Just find yourself a hotel with a pool that’s so good, you’ll want to stay there forever. Trust me, your initial Bali experience will be infinitely better for it.

Bali Hotels: Insider Tips and Secrets for the Best Accommodation

Here are the humble Satriya Cottages in Kuta – where the wise traveler goes to find a pool that is as affordable as a plate of nasi goreng (Bali’s popular rice dish) at the local warung!

Let me tell you, this hidden gem was a real surprise package. I mean, I wasn’t expecting to find a pool that’s so inviting, it’ll make you want to trade in your passport for a permanent vacation permit. And yet, here it was – a sparkling oasis amidst the chaos of Kuta, just waiting for you to take a swim.

Pool at Satriya Cottages Kuta Hotel

So, if you’re looking for a place to stay in Kuta that’s got it all – location, comfort, and affordability – look no further than Satriya Cottages. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed. In fact, you’ll be humming “wow, wow, wow” like I did!

The real magic was the price tag… budget-friendly, indeed! Talk about a sweet deal! So, if you’re looking for a place to soak up the sun in Bali and you want fantastic value, Satriya Cottages in Kuta is the place to be.

Kuta Beach Guide

Kuta Beach is the iconic destination in Bali that’s often touted as the go to spot for travelers, especially if you are into partying. But let me tell you, my experiences here were not so great. Don’t get me wrong, the beach itself looks sort of okay from the distance, but soon enough you will see the true reality.

Kuta Beach Bali

First of all, the beach is littered with trash. I mean, it’s not just a few stray wrappers or discarded water bottles – we’re talking about massive amounts of garbage that seem to be intentionally left behind. It’s not exactly the most welcoming sight, and it’s a real shame.

Then there’s the vendors. Oh, the vendors. They’re everywhere, and they’re relentless. From the moment you step foot on the beach, you’ll be bombarded with offers to buy everything from cheap trinkets to overpriced beachwear, including offers for coconut drinks like you won’t believe possible. It’s exhausting, and it’s hard to enjoy your day at the beach when you are being hassled by everyone trying to sell whatever they have to offer.

But beyond the trash and the vendors (because let’s face it, those are just the icing on the cake), Kuta Beach has a way of making you feel like you’re stuck in some kind of tropical Groundhog Day. You’ll find yourself walking along the beach, enjoying the view, and suddenly you’ll be hit with a wave of despair as you realize that this is exactly what you’re going to do for every day you spend there.

You’ll be running back to your hotel pool, not because you’re excited to go swimming, but because you’re desperate to escape the chaos and find some peace and quiet.

Seminyak: The Superior Beachside Getaway

If you’re looking for a spot that’s a cut above the rest, you might just want to skip Kuta’s chaos and head to Seminyak instead. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Seminyak? Isn’t that just Kuta 2.0?” And, well, yes, it does have a similar vibe. But, trust me, there’s a gem hidden in the sand that makes Seminyak worth the trip.

Enter Potato Beach Club, the crown jewel of Seminyak’s beach scene.

Potato Head Beach Club in Seminyak Bali

It’s like a tropical oasis, minus the awkwardness of actually being in an oasis. Imagine a beachside haven where you can trade your hotel pool for a pool that’s actually worth getting excited about. And by “worth getting excited about”, I mean a pool that comes with great food, drinks, and a view that’s awesome!

So, what are you waiting for? Ditch your hotel pool and make your way to Potato Beach Club. You won’t regret it. In fact, you’ll probably spend hours there, getting lost in the rhythm of the waves and the sound of your own relaxation.

It’s like a mini-vacation from your actual vacation. And who doesn’t love that? So, if you’re looking for a beach destination that’s more than just a pretty face (and let’s be real, who isn’t?), Seminyak’s Potato Beach Club is the place to be. It’s the perfect spot to soak up some sun, indulge in some indulgent treats, and generally just live your best beach life.

Seminyak Beach at Night

While many flock to Kuta for its vibrant party scene, the lesser-known Seminyak is where the real beach magic happens. And the best part? The beach scene comes alive at night, transforming into a lively and enchanting haven. As the sun dips below the horizon, the beach takes on a new persona.

The sound of waves gently lapping against the shore is replaced by the rhythmic beat of music, and the twinkling lights of beachside bars and restaurants create a mesmerizing atmosphere. It’s like stepping into a tropical paradise, where worries are washed away with each passing wave.

You’ll find plenty of people under beach umbrellas, having conversations. You’ll hear the sound of laughter and music carrying on the wind, and you’ll feel the stress of your daily life melting away with each passing minute.

Seminyak Beach at Night

Regardless of your accommodation either in Kuta, Legian, or Seminyak, make sure to allocate one evening for a sunset escapade to Seminyak beach. As the sky transforms into a kaleidoscope of hues, indulge in a meal at one of the many beachside eateries, offering a range of tempting food to satisfy your taste buds.

Visit Seminyak Village Mall

Seminyak Village Mall is a hidden gem in the heart of Bali’s stylish Seminyak area. This charming shopping center offers a unique blend of local and international flavors, with a mix of high-end boutiques, artisanal stores, and gourmet eateries.

Wander through the lush gardens and discover exclusive fashion brands, bespoke jewelry, and handcrafted home decor.

As the sun dips into the horizon, the rooftop bar at Seminyak Village Mall transforms into a serene oasis. It’s another enjoyable thing you will want to experience in Seminyak.

How to Spend One Day in Seminyak

Start your day in Bali with a visit to Seminyak Village Mall, where the morning sun casts a warm glow over the lush gardens and stylish boutiques. Wander through the tranquil surroundings, discovering unique local treasures and international brands, as you indulge in a leisurely breakfast at one of the many restaurants. The perfect way to awaken your senses and set the tone for a day of relaxation and indulgence.

Later on in the day, head to Potato Beach Club, where the laid-back vibes and stunning ocean views will transport you to a tropical state of mind. Enjoy a refreshing cocktail or a delicious meal at the beachside bar, while the sound of the waves and the salty sea air work their magic. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway or just a day of pool magic and serenity, Potato Beach Club is a fantastic destination for an unforgettable experience in Bali.

As the sun sets over the Indian Ocean, as previously mentioned, the evening comes alive in Seminyak. Take a leisurely stroll along the picturesque beach, where the sound of the waves and the gentle breeze will transport you to a state of tranquility.

As you wander, discover a hidden gem of a restaurant, nestled among the palm trees or perched on the beachside promenade, where you can indulge in a culinary feast amidst the soothing sounds of the ocean.

As the night wears on, find a spot to unwind with a refreshing cocktail, beer, or a glass of wine. Perhaps you’ll stumble upon a beachside bar, where you can mingle with fellow travelers and locals alike, or a secluded spot where you can sip on your drink in peace, with nothing but the sound of the waves to keep you company.

Seminyak’s evening atmosphere is a symphony of relaxation and indulgence, and this is your chance to experience it for yourself. Take your time, soak up the ambiance, and let the day melt away with each passing moment.

Bali Itinerary Day Trip: The Gate of Heaven and Water Palace

If you are staying in Kuta, Legian, or Semiinyak, and you are staying for three days, I highly recommend one of those days be devoted to taking a memorable day trip to the Gate of Heaven and also the beautiful Water Palace.

The Gate of Heaven, also known as Lempuyang Temple, is a mystical and stunning Balinese Hindu temple located on the island of Bali. Perched on a hill overlooking the rolling hills and lush green landscapes, the temple is considered one of the most sacred and beautiful in Bali, Indonesia.

The Gate of Heaven: Photo Experience

As I stepped into the Gate of Heaven, Lempuyang Temple, I was immediately struck by its breathtaking beauty. I couldn’t wait to get a photo taken at Bali’s iconic Gate of Heaven. However, little did I know, getting a photo taken at the temple would require monk-like patience.

The main gate was literally mobbed with people vying for the perfect shot. I had to wait patiently for what felt like an eternity before my ticket number came up. Yep, you have to wait until your ticket number to be called out, and then someone takes photos of you (with your friends/family members), using your very own phone/camera. My patience was truly tested as I waited and waited for maybe 2-3 hours. But, oh, was it worth it!

Gates of Heaven in East Bali

The temple’s main gate, known as the “Gate of Heaven”, is a breathtaking structure that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The gate is adorned with intricate carvings and ornaments, creating a striking visual contrast against the natural backdrop. What makes it so interesting is its unique architecture, which blends traditional Balinese and Hindu styles, and its stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Visitors can also take a hike up to the temple’s highest peak, where they can witness the breathtaking sunset and enjoy the serene atmosphere.

Balinese Hindu Mythology: The Gate of Heaven

According to Balinese Hindu mythology, the Gate of Heaven, also known as Lempuyang Temple, is a sacred place that serves as a gateway to the heavens.

It is believed to be a physical representation of the bridge between the mortal world and the spiritual realm. The temple is said to be a dwelling place of the gods, particularly the god of the mountain, Lord Brahma, and the goddess of the forest, Nyai Lempuyang.

The temple’s architecture is designed to resemble the mythical Mount Meru, the abode of the gods in Hindu mythology. According to legend, the temple was built to serve as a sacred passageway for the gods to descend from heaven to earth.

The temple’s gate is said to be a replica of the gates of heaven, and it is believed that those who pass through it will be granted spiritual enlightenment and blessings.

In addition, the temple is also associated with the myth of the “Naga” or serpent deity, which is said to reside in the temple’s surrounding forest. The Naga is believed to be a protector of the temple and its visitors, and it is said to possess healing powers.

Overall, the mythology surrounding Lempuyang Temple adds to its mystical and spiritual significance, making it a revered and sacred place for both locals and tourists alike.

Tirta Gangga Water Palace in Bali

Tirta Gangga Water Palace is a breathtakingly beautiful oasis in eastern Bali, Indonesia. This 14th-century palace is a masterpiece of Balinese architecture, featuring intricately carved stone statues, lush gardens, and serene water features.

The palace’s central attraction is its stunning calm pool, surrounded by a series of fountains and waterfalls, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

Taman Ujung Water Palace

Visitors can wander through the gardens, admiring the beautiful sculptures and ornate architecture, or relax by the pools filled with fish and enjoy the tranquil surroundings.

The palace’s unique blend of Balinese and Chinese influences makes it a fascinating cultural experience. With its stunning beauty and tranquil atmosphere, Tirta Gangga Water Palace is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Bali. It is the perfect day trip in Bali when combined with the Gate of Heaven.

Bali Itinerary: Days 4-6: Visit Nusa Penida, Bali’s Paradise Island

As the morning sun rises over the island of Bali, a sense of adventure beckons. Leave the hustle and bustle of tourist hotspots behind and embark on a journey to the enchanting island of Nusa Penida, a wonderful paradise island waiting to be discovered.

Going on a day trip to Nusa Penida is a symphony of natural beauty, adventure, and tranquility. As you arrive on the island, the rugged landscape unfolds before you like a canvas of wonder.

The real pièce de résistance is Kelingking Beach, where the earth meets the sky and the sea meets the land. This dramatic spectacle is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Towering limestone cliffs plunge into the sea, creating a breathtaking amphitheater of turquoise water and golden sand.

Kelingking Beach Best Cliff View in Nusa Penida Bali

It’s as if Mother Nature (Gaia) has created a masterpiece, just for you – and the hundreds of other tourists lining the fence, their cameras poised to capture the moment.

But as you gaze out at this stunning vista, it’s easy to forget that you’re not alone. The sheer scale of this natural wonder is so overwhelming that it becomes yours alone, a secret treasure hidden from the rest of the world.

You can uncover Nusa Penida’s day trip secrets by reading this Nusa Penida Guide (West). If you’re looking to make the most of your Bali adventure, look no further than this unforgettable day trip, which I firmly believe, has to be the ultimate Bali experience, especially for tourists with limited time.

Explore Nusa Penida’s Natural Wonders and Landscapes

Among the island’s most coveted attractions, Pasih Uug Beach, or Broken Beach, stands out as a breathtaking gem. As part of an organized Nusa Penida island west tour, you’ll be treated to this unforgettable experience at a picturesque haven, where towering cliffs plunge into the sea and secluded coves beckon exploration.

With its dramatic landscapes and ever-changing light, this beach is a photographer’s dream come true, offering endless opportunities to capture the island’s unique beauty and majesty.

Broken Beach Nusa Penida Bali

You’ve experienced the magic of Nusa Penida Island on a day tour, but you’re going to be left wondering what lies beyond the surface. With two more days on this enchanting island, the possibilities become endless. You’ll then have the chance to delve deeper into its natural wonders, explore hidden coves, and discover the island’s vibrant culture. And trust me, it’s an experience you won’t want to miss.

A day tour to Nusa Penida is fantastic if you have limited time (7 days) in Bali, but if you’re lucky enough to have a 14-day vacation in Bali, you should consider dedicating 3 days to Nusa Penida – trust me, it’s the way to go!

Things to do in Nusa Penida

With more time on your hands, you’ll have the opportunity to explore Nusa Penida’s hidden gems, such as the secluded beaches of Crystal Bay and Kelingking Beach. Watch the sunset over the ocean from the picturesque viewpoint at Pasih Uug Beach, or take a boat trip to explore the island’s dramatic coastline.

Let’s not forget about Angel’s Billabong in Nusa Penida. Hopefully, you will be able to go for a swim in it.

Nusa Penida is home to a rich and vibrant culture, shaped by its history as a sacred Hindu island. You can also visit the island’s ancient temples, such as Pura Dalem Ped and Pura Segara Gitgit, to learn about its spiritual significance and marvel at its intricate architecture.

Or, maybe take a trip to the island’s highest point, Gunung Baya, where you’ll be rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. As you venture around Nusa Penida, you’ll be treated to breathtaking vistas of towering cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and secluded beaches.

Take a hike through the island’s lush green landscapes, where you’ll encounter ancient trees, exotic flowers, and a variety of wildlife. Or, take a snorkeling or diving trip to explore the island’s vibrant coral reefs, teeming with marine life.

Bali Itinerary: Days 7-10: Enjoy Cultural Experiences in Ubud

Tucked away in the heart of Bali, Ubud is a haven for foodies, culture enthusiasts, and adventure-seekers alike. This charming town is a sensory delight, where vibrant colors, intoxicating aromas, and mouth-watering flavors come together to create an unforgettable experience.

Ubud is more than just a destination – it’s an experience that will leave you enchanted, inspired, and craving for more. With its rich cultural heritage, delectable cuisine, and stunning natural beauty, this charming town is a must-visit on your Bali itinerary. So come and indulge in the best of Ubud – your senses will thank you!

If you’re craving something delicious and authentic during your Bali adventure, make sure to try some delicious satay! It’s a culinary experience that will leave you feeling like you’re in paradise.

Restaurant in Ubud with Satay on the Table

Ubud: The Heart of Bali’s Culture and Artistry

Ubud Palace comes alive with a vibrant dance performances and the majestic Balinese architecture provides a stunning backdrop for a mesmerizing display of traditional dance and culture. Every tourist has to watch at least one dance performance in Ubud.

Dance Show at Ubud Palace

You will see plenty of people selling tickets for traditional Balinese dance performances in the main street in Ubud.

As the sun sets in one majestic Ubud Palace courtyard, the atmosphere transforms into a vibrant tapestry of sound, color, and movement. The Kecak Fire Dance, a mesmerizing spectacle, unfolds before your eyes.

Around fifty male dancers, clad in loincloths, form a semi-circle around the palace courtyard. They chant away while female dancers do their thing in perfect harmony, with the sound and movements weaving a hypnotic spell.

The atmosphere is electric with the soft glow of candles as the dancers perform. This dance performance is a sensory experience that will leave you enthralled!

Have a glimpse into the enchanting world of traditional Balinese dance with this exclusive video, showcasing a captivating snippet of the incredible Kecak Fire Dance.

One of Ubud’s most treasured attractions is stunning Ubud Palace, which boasts a picturesque lily pond that’s a must-see for any visitor. If you’re looking for a unique dining experience, eat at Cafe Lotus, where you can enjoy delicious meals while taking in the breathtaking views of the palace and its serene surroundings.

Ubud Water Palace Pura Taman Saraswati Temple and lotus pond

The tranquil lily pond and the ornate palace architecture creates a truly unforgettable memory that will leave you in awe.

The Best Cultural Experience in Ubud

If I had to choose one standout experience in Ubud, it would be the Tirta Empul Holy Water Temple, situated in the picturesque village of Manukaya, just a short drive from Ubud.

This sacred site is a must-visit for anyone seeking a unique and authentic Hindu experience. As you step into the temple’s tranquil grounds, you’ll be surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sound of running water, setting the tone for a serene and rejuvenating experience.

Koi Carp Gold Fish Pool at Pura Tirta Empul Holy Spring Temple Ubud Bali

The Water Temple is a serene oasis that embodies the island’s sacred heritage. This tranquil haven is a testament to the ancient traditions of Bali’s Hindu culture, where you can immerse yourself in the rich spiritual practices that have shaped the island’s identity. As you wander through the temple’s serene surroundings, you’ll be enveloped by the beauty and tranquility of Bali’s spiritual heart, and experience the profound sense of connection that comes from being immersed in its sacred traditions.

This breathtaking temple is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the unique culture and spirituality of this beautiful island.

As you enter the temple, you’ll be surrounded by lush gardens and vibrant flowers, with the gentle sound of running water creating a soothing melody.

The temple’s many stunning fountains are a highlight, with visitors lining up in the pool of water making their way from one fountain to the next. The water is clean and refreshing, making it perfect for a hot day in Bali. So, if you’re looking for a cultural experience that’s truly one-of-a-kind, then the Water Temple in Ubud is a must-visit.

Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary in Ubud

Ubud Monkey Forest Sanctuary is a jungle paradise where mischievous monkeys are the ultimate tourist attractions!

As you wander through the ancient temple ruins, you’ll be surrounded by hundreds of long-tailed macaques, swinging from trees, sitting around, and maybe even stealing snacks from unsuspecting visitors.

Monkey sitting on statue Sacred Monkey Forest Ubud Bali

With its lush greenery, ancient architecture, and cheeky primates, this sanctuary is a must-visit for anyone who loves nature, monkeys, or dancers performing as monkeys. Yep, its a dance show you won’t want to miss.

The iconic Ubud Monkey Forest is a special destination in Ubud. Get there as soon as it opens, stay for the dance show, and leave around lunch time.

Chase Waterfalls in and around Ubud

There are many waterfalls in and round Ubud. If you are only in Ubud for two days, then I recommend just visiting one waterfall and that one would be Tegenungan Waterfall, as seen in the picture below. You can’t go wrong with this beautiful waterfall. You will also find some great pools at this waterfall oasis, so make sure you bring your bathing suit.

Tegenungan Waterfall Bali

If you’ve allocated three days for Ubud in your itinerary, then one of those days can be dedicated to doing a waterfall day trip tour. Check out the Best Bali Waterfalls Adventure: Ultimate 1-Day Guide. It will show you some of the great waterfalls close to Ubud town.

Where to Stay in Ubud

I can highly recommend staying at Awan Bali House in Ubud. Everything about the place was great and they served a delicious banana pancake for breakfast, which they included in the price. Top stuff!

Breakfast Ubud Guest House

How long to Spend in Ubud

Bali, Bali, Bali… where do you even begin? If you’re only going to spend 14 days on this tropical paradise, you’d be crazy to want to spend more time anywhere else other than Ubud! I mean, why settle for a quick glimpse of the island’s beauty when you can sink your teeth into the heart of it all?

Spend four days in Ubud and you’ll be transformed into a Bali convert like many other fans (including many Instagram influencers). You’ll fall head over heels in love with the lush green landscapes, the vibrant markets, and the quirky cafes that serve up some of the best coffee on the island. Trust me, you won’t regret it. Ubud is fantastic!

The minimum amount of time you should spend in Ubud is 2 days. I mean you have to visit the monkey forest and visit at least one waterfall close to Ubud, so that will take you a full day. Then you also need a day in Ubud town, so spending two full days in Ubud is a no brainer.

Explore Canggu on Day 11 of Your Bali Itinerary

While Canggu may not have stolen my heart, I found its beaches to be somewhat disappointing, similar to the more crowded and developed areas of Bali like Kuta and Seminyak. However, it’s undeniable that this coastal town has its own unique charm. And, let’s be real, being in Canggu does come with a few perks. Firstly, the surfers’ paradise that Canggu has become is a major drawcard.

Batu Bolong Beach in Canggu

If you’re a surfer and looking to catch some waves, you’ll be in your element here. The beaches may not be that picturesque, but the action-packed surf scenes and lively beachside vibes make up for it. And, who knows, you might even spot a few Bali-based celebrities or influencers on the beach or riding the waves.

But what about the non-surfers, you ask? Well, Canggu has its own brand of laid-back cool. The town is dotted with trendy cafes, yoga studios, and wellness centers – perfect for those looking to unwind and recharge.

And then there is the extremely cool FINNS Beach Club in Canggu. Who needs a beautiful beach, when you can lounge around at this place?

FINNS Beach Club Bali

FINNS Beach Club in Canggu is a tropical paradise that will transport you to a state of ultimate relaxation. This stylish beach club is nestled on the shores of Berawa Beach, offering breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean. With its sleek and modern design, FINNS exudes a chic and sophisticated atmosphere.

Unwind by the infinity pool, indulge in gourmet cuisine, or sip on craft cocktails at the beachside bar. The vibe is always lively, with DJs spinning tunes and girls on roller skates like they are in some 70s disco, a bit like the movie Xanadu. The place can get pretty crazy!

Whether you’re looking to soak up the sun, get active, or simply chill out, FINNS is the ultimate cool spot in Canggu.

Tanah Lot

Tannah Lot, the iconic temple on the rock, is a mere stone’s throw away from Canggu – literally! It’s only a 20-minute drive away and trust me, it’s worth the short trip.

Tanah Lot Temple Site

Perched on top of a tiny island in the sea, this 17th-century temple is a real-life fairytale come true. The views of the Indian Ocean are simply stunning, and the architecture is so ornate and beautiful, you’ll feel like you’re in a Balinese version of Mount Olympus.

Beautiful View at Tanah Lot

The sunsets are supposed to be Instagram-worthy (and trust me, everyone will be green with envy when they see your photos). So, ditch the Canggu cafes for an afternoon out, because Tannah Lot is waiting for you!

You only need a couple of hours at Tanah Lot to get a good appreciation of the place, so it makes for a great little time-out from Canggu.

Bali Itinerary: Days 12-14: Breathtaking Landscapes and Sunsets in Uluwatu

Uluwatu, the crown jewel of Bali’s south coast, is home to some of the most breathtaking beaches in the world, and Pedang Pedang Beach and Dreamland Beach are the ultimate twin titans of this tropical paradise.

Located on the southwestern coast of the island, these two beaches are a haven for surfers, beachcombers, and anyone seeking a taste of Bali’s raw natural beauty.

Pedang Pedang Beach is a hidden gem, with its powdery white sand and crystal-clear waters lapping gently against the shore, creating a tranquil oasis that’s perfect for relaxation.

Padang Padang Beach in Bali

Dreamland Beach is a thrill-seeker’s playground, with its towering cliffs, dramatic waves, and sun-kissed sandbars overlooking the spectacular beach.

Dreamland Beach Uluwatu Bali

So, grab your sunscreen and your sense of adventure, and make sure you discover the best Bali beach experiences at Pedang Pedang Beach and Dreamland Beach – you won’t be disappointed!

You can find out more about Uluwatu beaches in Bali by reading Uluwatu Bali Guide: Ultimate Short Stay Experience.

When you’re not soaking up the sun or riding the waves, Uluwatu temple offers a glimpse into Bali’s rich cultural heritage.

You may be wondering what all of these tourists looking at? They’re all waiting to see the amazing sunset at the Uluwatu temple grounds.

Tourists watching sunset at Uluwatu Temple

Best Accomodation Location in Uluwatu

Where should you base yourself in Uluwatu? I personally think the Bingin Beach coastline in Uluwatu is a great area to stay in when exploring Bali’s Uluwatu region. If you want one of the best views in the world, stay at Impossible Cliff House in Uluwatu.

Hotel View overlooking Bingin Beach Uluwatu Bali

Best Bali Itinerary: Guide for 7 Days in Bali

Best Bali Itinerary Tip for a 7 days in Bali: Kuta (1 day), Nusa Penida (1 day), Ubud (3 days), Uluwatu (2 days)

Best Bali Itinerary: Guide for 10 Days in Bali

Best Bali Itinerary Tip for 10 days in Bali: Seminyak (2 days), Nusa Penida (2 day), Ubud (3 days), Uluwatu (3 days)

Best Bali Itinerary: Guide for 14 Days in Bali

Best Bali Itinerary Tip for 14 days in Bali: Kuta (1 day), Seminyak (2 days), Nusa Penida (3 days), Ubud (4 days), Canggu (1 day), Uluwatu (3 days)

Conclusion: Your 7-14 Day Bali Itinerary Plan

Alright, you’ve got yourself a 7-14 day Bali itinerary, and you’re itching to dive into the island’s wonders! But don’t get stuck in a rut (or should we say, a temple?) – make the most of your time in this tropical paradise!

With just the right mix of culture, adventure, and relaxation, you’ll be hooked from sunrise to sunset. So, book your flights and you’re set! Just one small problem, you may never want to leave.

Follow these top tips to make the most of your 7-14 day Bali escapade! First up, ditch the beach bum status and get your island-hopping on with Nusa Penida – it’s like Bali’s secret best friend!

Next, put your monkey fears aside (if you have any) and venture into the infamous Monkey Forest in Ubud. It’s a real-life jungle adventure, minus the actual jungle (but with way more monkeys)!

And finally, get ready to swoon over the stunning beaches of Uluwatu – Pedang Pedang Beach and Dreamland Beach are the ultimate tropical paradises. Think crystal-clear waters, powdery white sand, and sun-kissed vibes galore!

So, what are you waiting for? Start planning and turn your Bali dreams into reality! But before you do, make sure you read Bali Wonders: 5 Best Places to Explore, as it could help cement your decisions when creating your ideal 7-14 day Bali itinerary.

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