Pandora Comic (Avatar 1996-1997 Series) #1 and #2 Review

Pandora 1 Avatar Comic

Get ready to unleash your inner demon and dive into the dark, gritty world of Pandora comics (1996-1997), courtesy of Avatar Press! In this review of Pandora comic #1 and #2, we’ll lift the lid on the secrets hiding within these haunting black-and-white pages. So, if you’re feeling brave (or just plain reckless), then join us on this journey into the abyss!

You’ll discover the twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat, and maybe even make you question your own sanity. So, buckle up and join us on this journey into the heart of madness!

Pandora #1 and #2 comics are inspired by the Pandora from Greek mythology, who has been reimagined as a modern-day superhero, still existing in the world today and fighting for justice. It’s the eternal tale of Pandora, the original supermodel of the Gods!

Pandora is one of the most popular and enduring characters created by Avatar Press. She was first introduced in the comic book “Pandora #1” in 1996, which was also Avatar’s first publication. Since then, Pandora has become a beloved character, appearing in many different stories and adventures. Despite being centuries old, Pandora’s spirit and body remain strong and youthful.

Her story has explored a wide range of themes, including myth, horror, drama, and intrigue. She has battled against evil forces from both the world of myth and the world of Hell. Pandora’s adventures have combined ancient magic with modern science, making her a complex and compelling character.

Overall, Pandora’s story has been a central part of Avatar’s universe, and she continues to be a fan favorite among readers.

Avatar Press: Pandora Comic Review

If you read Pandora #1, you may think the first comic is pretty average. It’s an okay start, but the real show begins in Pandora comic #2, where things get seriously juicy.

Honestly, I wasn’t impressed by Pandora #1. However, I re-read it because Pandora #2 was quite a good read, and I thought it was a good idea to give the first comic one more chance. I’m glad I did because Pandora #1 made much more sense the second time round.

Pandora #1 Review

Pandora #1 starts with an interesting introduction to the Pandora myth. It begins as follows: Thousands of years ago, Zeus, the king of the skies, decided to create the ultimate diva – a woman so stunningly gorgeous, brainy, and powerful that even the other Gods were green with envy. It continues on… and you can see a little glimpse of the intro on the left side in the picture below.

It’s probably worth getting your hands on Pandora comic #1 just to read the short introduction story of Pandora.

Introduction and the story of Pandora in Comic 1

Like, seriously, who wouldn’t want to hang out with the first ever Lady/Goddess who’s got it all?

The story begins in Los Angeles, where the villainous GUNDEVIL is searching for Pandora and vice versa.

Pandora: The Undercover Agent

Pandora seems to be working as an undercover agent and goes by the name Ms. Panek. She has made a deal with an arms supplier to discreetly obtain a large quantity of weapons, the sum total being three thousand weapons.

Mr. Bloch, a firearms expert, is assisting Pandora. He is supposedly a Federal Agent working for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. He doesn’t raise suspicions with evil weapons suppliers, but an evil higher-up boss does have his doubts about Pandora.

Pandora’s cover is quickly blown, but she takes matters into her own hands by threatening the evil boss and mowing down two of his crew members. The evil boss then sets up a meeting with Pandora and Mr. Gould, who seems to be the boss of bosses. Over the phone, the top boss reveals to his minion that tonight marks the end of Pandora’s 4000-year crusade against evil.

It seems as if Pandora has been trying to hunt the head honcho down for years, but he has always managed to evade her. Pandora came close to getting him in South East Asia during the early 1970s, but his cunning had allowed him to evade punishment/capture.

Pandora’s Nemesis: GUNDEVIL Unleashed

The CIA dubbed him ‘GUNDEVIL’ due to his uncanny ability to evade getting caught. Despite his human-like abilities, Pandora sensed that something demonic was at play.

Pandora deliberately allowed herself to be captured at one point, hoping she would be brought before the GUNDEVIL. She ended up sending everyone to hell, but GUNDEVIL managed to avoid her wrath.

Pandora and her associate Anna are fighting against evil. Anna’s father tracked down GUNDEVIL at one point. This is where I think there needed to be more details.

Pandora talks to Anna in Pandora Comic 1

Anna ends up hiding in the back of a truck and suddenly appears when Pandora goes to meet the top evil boss with Mr Bloch. Pandora is not happy about it, but it’s too late to change things. The meeting was only set up for the head honcho to see two them, but Anna claims to be an accountant, there to verify the weapons purchase.

However, it all turns out to be an ambush, with demons – zombies and undead warriors – emerging from the shadows. GUNDEVIL then makes an appearance, adding to the chaos.

Gundevil faces Pandora

Unfortunately, Anna finds herself being held hostage by none other than Mr. Bloch, who has betrayed both Pandora and Anna.

This is how Pandora #1 ends. So by the end of the first Pandora comic, multiple villains had emerged in the story, including GUNDEVIL and Mr. Bloch, who were two of the most formidable.

To be honest, I wasn’t really feeling the story in Pandora #1. It was kinda confusing. But then Pandora #2 came along and totally made up for the whole story!

Pandora #2 Review

Everything seemed rather unexciting in Pandora #1, but the tone took a drastic turn in Pandora #2, which introduced more and more supernatural elements to the story.


Pandora #2 was where the story really started to get interesting, and I loved how it humanized some of the villains by showing their motivations.

Pandora fight hostage scene in Pandora Comic 2 Avatar Press

GUNDEVIL even transformed into a demon-like creature in Pandora #2. It wasn’t the worst of it, because greater evil awaited on the other side.

Pandora vs Gundevil next to the Gateway

At the very end, Pandora wrapped things up by telling us to keep our eyes peeled for any signs of the Gods coming back. We’re talking apocalypse-level stuff!

Pandora Comic 2 Last Panel Signs of the return of the Gods

Pandora Comic Conclusion

After reading these two issues of Pandora comics, it left me with a positive impression. In fact, I thought these two comics would make a great movie, due to its engaging plot and well-developed characters.

My only criticism is that I would have liked to know more about Pandora’s associate, Anna. While we get to see her interact with Pandora, I felt that her background could have been explored more thoroughly.

Despite the lack of background information on certain characters, I think this is a great introduction to the Pandora comics series.

Highly recommend checking out this Pandora series or one of the other comics featuring Pandora, which offers a unique blend of action, adventure, and Greek mythology that sets it apart from other comics in the genre.

Pandora #1 Rating: 4.5/10

Pandora #2 Rating: 6/10

Check Availability and Pricing: Pandora Issue 1 Nude Variant (Avatar) Comic, Pandora Issue 2 (Avatar) Comic

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Pandora Comic 1 and 2 Review