Review of AQUAMAN: The Drowning Vol.1 (DC Universe Rebirth)

Aquaman The Drowning Volume 1 DC Universe Rebirth

Welcome, land-dwellers, to the underwater world of AQUAMAN: The Drowning Vol 1, where the King of the Seven Seas is about to take you on a wild ride that will leave you gasping for air.

But don’t worry, you don’t need to be a certified scuba diver or a marine biologist to enjoy this aquatic adventure. All you need is a sense of wonder, a willingness to suspend your disbelief (because, let’s be real, there are some seriously unbelievable scenes in this comic book).

Aquaman’s got his fins in a twist as he navigates the treacherous waters of superhero politics, Atlantean drama, and – dare I say it? – actual drowning.

As a total newbie, this was the first comic book about Aquaman that I have ever read. So, what was it like for me? I thought the introduction was engaging and it drew me in. The way the news presenters shared their opinions on Aquaman added an interesting layer to the story.

News Presenters talking about Aquaman

I had no idea where the Aquaman story would go, and it took me in a direction that I never would have guessed.

Aquaman: The Drowning (Rebirth) deals with the US Government. Aquaman also fights against a fierce antagonist known as Black Manta, Aquaman gets locked up in prison, then broken out by his beloved Mera, only to have the army attack them both. Unbelievably, even Superman enters the picture. This part of the Aquaman comic was probably my biggest surprise.

Aquaman Review: The Drowning Vol.1 (DC Universe Rebirth)

Here is an Aquaman: The Drowning Volume 1 mini-review. This summary will give you a sense of what the story is about without revealing too much detail.

The Atlanteans, an underwater race, have established an Atlantean embassy, which is off the coast of Massachusetts.

Atlantean Dry Land Embassy

Things aren’t all rosy between the Atlanteans and the surface dwellers, as some Atlanteans believe that they shouldn’t be mixing with each other.

Aquaman vs Black Manta

I won’t go into details about how he was introduced to the storyline, but let’s just say that Aquaman has a nemesis, known as Black Manta. The reason for Black Manta’s hatred of Aquaman is because Aquaman killed his father.

Aquaman fighting against Black Manta

AAs shown in the Aquaman comic scenes above, Aquaman and Black Manta engage in a fight against each other. However, their battle ends without anyone being killed. Black Manta then ends up being taken into custody by the US Agents. Despite his imprisonment, Black Manta has some sympathizers who want to help him escape, and they assist him in breaking free.

Evil Doers in Aquaman The Drowning Vol 1

The storyline involving Black Manta takes a direction of its own. Let’s just say that he gets to meet the big boss.

The Arrest of Aquaman

Meanwhile, Aquaman has his own problems. The US government believes the Atlanteans were responsible for destroying a naval ship. So, they close the Atlantean Embassy and feel the need to lock up Aquaman.

Aquaman Arrested in Comic Book Scene

Mera won’t stand for it, even though Aquaman was quite willing to show the US officials that he had totally peaceful intentions and was not involved in the attack.

Mera won’t stand for Aquaman being locked up in prison. He isn’t happy about Mera breaking him out, but the woman he loves made up her mind to free him and nothing could change it.

Mera breaking Aquaman out of Prison

After the breakout, Aquaman and Mera have become fugitives on the run, trying to make their way back to their underwater world.

Army attacks Aquaman and Mera

However, the army soon gets involved in a fierce pursuit to take down Aquaman and Mera. A mighty battle ensues, and the army’s initial confidence begins to wane as it becomes increasingly clear that they’re not going to emerge victorious.

Army attacking Aquaman and Mera

Aquaman vs Superman

That’s when the superpowers get called in to help. Yes, it’s Superman!

Aquaman and Superman Face off

Superman is a member of the Justice League, so what’s going to happen from here? Well, if you’re curious, find out by reading Aquaman: The Drowning Vol.1 (DC Universe Rebirth).

Aquaman (Rebirth) Comic: Review Conclusion

I give Aquamna: The Drowning Vol.1 (DC Universe Rebirth) a rating of 6.5/10.

In conclusion, “Aquamna: The Drowning Vol.1” (DC Universe Rebirth) is a solid introduction to the world of Aquaman, offering a thrilling and visually stunning ride that sets the stage for further adventures. The graphic novel’s strongest asset is its artwork, which brings the underwater world to life with vibrant colors and dynamic panel layouts. However, some of the dialogue may feel jarringly unnatural at times, making it difficult to connect with the characters on a deeper level.

Despite these minor missteps, the story still manages to engage by showcasing the rich history and mythology of the Aquaman universe. The pacing is well-balanced enough, moving seamlessly between action-packed sequences and quieter moments of introspection.

Overall, “Aquaman: The Drowning Vol.1” is a great starting point for anyone looking to dive into the world of Aquaman, and its interesting story and impressive visuals make it a worthwhile read for fans of the character.

One thing that stood out for me when reading this Auaman graphic novel was that the name Mera rhymed with Hera, the Queen of Olympus. It is clear that Aquaman has its roots in Greek mythology, so I’ll have to check out some more Aquaman comics.

I do have a full set of Atlantis Chronicles (DC 1990), complete with issues #1-7. These will have to be the next Aquaman comics I read. But I’m glad to have read Aquaman: The Drowning (Rebirth) first. This comic with 176 pages was an excellent introduction.

Check Pricing and Availability: Aquaman: The Drowning (Rebirth)

Aquaman: The Drowning (Rebirth): Further Details

If you want to know more details about the storyline, you can read this.

The Drowning focuses on Aquaman’s efforts to establish a dry-land Atlantean embassy on US soil, aiming to foster greater understanding and cooperation between surface dwellers and Atlanteans. However, Black Manta chooses to strike during the embassy’s opening ceremony, wounding Mera, destroying the building, and causing numerous civilian casualties in his battle with Aquaman. The conflict eventually subsides when Aquaman points out that if Black Manta were to kill him, he would be left with nothing. Recognizing the truth in Aquaman’s words, Black Manta surrenders, realizing that he would gain nothing from his adversary’s demise.

The story takes a surprising turn as the US government decides to shut down the embassy and prohibit the Atlanteans from rebuilding it. The government’s reasoning is rooted in the events of the Throne of Atlantis arc in the New 52, where Ocean Master flooded several US cities. As a result, they are unwilling to trust Aquaman or his people. This decision is perplexing, given that Black Manta was the sole perpetrator of the violence and destruction. It is unclear why the humans would blame the Atlanteans for the incident when it was clearly Manta’s vendetta against Arthur that drove him to commit such atrocities. Regardless, the US government refuses to continue the embassy project, further escalating tensions.

The situation worsens when Atlanteans allegedly attack a US Navy ship, claiming to be members of the Deluge, a splinter cell of Atlantean terrorists who refuse to follow Aquaman’s orders. This development raises concerns about the stability of the fragile peace between humans and Atlanteans, and threatens to undermine any potential progress made towards greater understanding and cooperation.

For Atlantis Fans: Books and Cinema

Another book about Atlantis is discussed in A Graphic Novel about Atlantis and other Lost Cities. If you like watching movies, you will also find some great films to watch in 12 Atlantis Movies about the Lost Island.

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Aquaman The Drowning Vol 1 Review