In this review of The Wicked + The Divine, we delve into a groundbreaking comic series that brilliantly fuses ancient mythology with the vibrant energy of modern storytelling. Imagine a world where legendary figures, like Lucifer — also known...
Here is a review of "The Adventures of Blake & Mortimer: Atlantis Mystery," a fantastic gem in the comic book world! In this in-depth review, prepare to be swept off your feet as we explore a captivating Atlantis adventure...
In this ODY-C review, you will find an exceptionally unique comic book series crafted by Eisner Award-winning writer Matt Fraction, complemented by the striking artwork of Christian Ward. ODY-C is an innovative comic book series that reinterprets Homer’s "Odyssey" through...
Are you ready to dive into an exhilarating comic that reimagines the legendary Greek Goddess, Artemis? If so, “Hunt Kill Repeat” should definitely be at the top of your reading list. But don’t let the title fool you —...
Goddess Mode is a sci-fi AI comic with the power to capture the imagination of tech enthusiasts and dreamers alike! In this Goddess Mode review, we’ll take a closer look at the thrilling adventure through its outlandish and futuristic...
Welcome to the thrilling world of "ZEUS: OLYMPIANS #1," the first book in the breathtaking Olympians graphic novel series created by the talented artist George O'Connor. This vibrant series delves into the rich tapestry of Greek mythology, offering readers...
The Last Argonauts, known in France as Les Derniers Argonautes, is an engaging three-part comic series that reimagines the legendary tale of Jason, after the silence of the Gods strikes fear into the world. It's another awesome odyssey for...
In a universe where the monkeys can swing from Olympus to the celestial heavens, "Monkey King and the World of Myths" is a great tale that defies the boundaries of mythology. Imagine Sun Wukong, the mischievous Monkey King himself,...
As a long-time fan of Xena: Warrior Princess, reading the Classic Years Omnibus was a delightful reminder of why Xena, the indomitable female warrior, captured the hearts of so many. From the moment I turned the pages, I was...
Welcome to a world where confidence and fun rule the day! “Goddess Girls: Aphrodite the Beauty” takes you on a delightful adventure with the goddess of love herself. This graphic novel is a fresh take on Greek mythology, proving...