Psyche and Eros: The Lady and the Monster is a spellbinding graphic novel that takes readers on a wondrous journey through the tumultuous love story of the beautiful mortal Psyche and the enigmatic God of love, Eros. As soon...
Welcome, land-dwellers, to the underwater world of AQUAMAN: The Drowning Vol 1, where the King of the Seven Seas is about to take you on a wild ride that will leave you gasping for air. But don't worry, you don't...
Get ready to be transported to a world of Greek Gods, Titans, and monsters with Zeus and the Rise of the Olympians by Campfire Graphic Novels. This graphic novel review about Zeus will tease you with a vibrant retelling...
In this review of Gaia: Goddess of Earth (Tales of Great Goddesses), you will see why this second book in the Greek mythology series by Imogen and Isabel Greenberg, sequel to their other graphic novel, Athena: Goddess of Wisdom...
For eons, Ares, the God of War, has been the ultimate badass in Zeus' crew - the guy you call when you want to make sure everyone in a 10-mile radius ends up six feet under. But now, after...
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy cast collide with ancient Greek Gods in this comic book review of a Marvel volume written by Al Ewing and illustrated by Juann Cabal, assisted by several other artists. In the vast expanse of the...
Jason and the Golden Fleece by Nel Yomtov is one of the comic book writer's most popular works. The graphic novel tells the story of a Greek hero named Jason who sets out with the Argonauts on a quest...
Experience the captivating world of "Age of Bronze" in this review about the critically acclaimed comic book series that retells the story of the legendary Trojan War. Eric Shanower, the author and illustrator of Age of Bronze, has created an...
God Complex is a graphic novel, masterfully created by the talented trio of Michael Avon Oeming, John Broglia, and Daniel Berman. The story is set in the bustling metropolis of Los Angeles, a place where the Gods of Olympus have...
This review is based on BRZRKR Volume 1, which consists of four comics that make up the first part of a twelve-part series created by Keanu Reeves. In the realm of the gods, where the mighty Olympians once roamed, a...