This review is based on BRZRKR Volume 1, which consists of four comics that make up the first part of a twelve-part series created by Keanu Reeves. In the realm of the gods, where the mighty Olympians once roamed, a...
In this review, prepare to be captivated by the awe-inspiring graphic novel "300" from the master storyteller Frank Miller. This masterpiece delves into the courageous Spartan warriors who valiantly fought against the Persian army in the historic Battle of...
I discovered the Athena (Dynamite) comic series by Doug Murray only after walking into a bookshop one day. The amazing Athena #1 comic cover smacked me in the face with a striking cover page, and that's essentially how this...
Promethea is a comic steeped in magic and mysticism. Created by Alan Moore, J.H. Williams III, and Mick Gray, this incredible and intriguing comic book series was published by America's Best Comics/WildStorm from 1999 to 2005. The story revolves around...
Experience the captivating world of "Age of Bronze" in this review about the critically acclaimed comic book series that retells the story of the legendary Trojan War. Eric Shanower, the author and illustrator of Age of Bronze, has created an...
God Complex comics are either anti-Christian or anti-Greek God. Reading them may even invoke both feelings. I won't divulge it here, so I highly recommend reading the God Complex comics yourself if you want to find out. You can do this...
Welcome to my review of the graphic novel adaptation of one of the most beloved young adult fantasy novels of recent times, "Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief." In this review, we will delve into the visual...
Lore Olympus is a very unusual graphic novel that began as an ongoing webcomic created by Rachel Smythe. This Lore Olympus review will look at Volume One (collecting episodes 1-25). It's the first book in a series of four...
Get ready to be transported to a world of Greek Gods, Titans, and monsters with Zeus and the Rise of the Olympians by Campfire Graphic Novels. This graphic novel review about Zeus will tease you with a vibrant retelling...
Jason and the Golden Fleece by Nel Yomtov is one of the comic book writer's most popular works. The graphic novel tells the story of a Greek hero named Jason who sets out with the Argonauts on a quest...