10 Best Bondi to Coogee Walk Views
One of the best things to do in Sydney is the Bondi to Coogee walk, which will give you fantastic views of five beautiful bays.
Another excellent option is to do the shorter Bondi to...
Do You Speak Greek? Interview with Alexandra
My interview with Alexandra from "Do You Speak Greek?" came about after watching many of her Greek lessons on YouTube that teach people how to speak Greek.
Greek Gods Paradise offers basic Greek lessons to...
Innes National Park Guide (Camping, Day Trip)
Innes National Park camping is great, but let's face it, camping isn't for everyone.
If you don't enjoy camping, another great option is to visit the beautiful seaside destination Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park on a...
Olympus TV Series: Season 1 and 2
If you ever watch the Olympus TV series, the 2015 TV show production, you are in for one of the biggest mind f*cks of all time.
The Olympus TV series is a Canadian/British fantasy series...
Semaphore Greek Festival: Food and Entertainment Guide
Semaphore Greek Festival is usually held in January every year. It has been around for over 40 years in Adelaide, so the event has a lot of history behind it.
The popular Greek festival is...
The Three Stooges Meet Hercules: A Funny Movie To Watch
The Three Stooges Meet Hercules is a funny movie I highly recommend watching at least once. The other reason to watch it is if you haven't seen the film within the last twelve years....
Carrickalinga Rock Pools and Beach Guide (+ Map)
My guide to Carrickalinga rock pools is quite extensive after four days of exploration when trying to find the best rock pool in Carrickalinga — a beautiful hidden gem rock pool that seems to be...
Bel Around The World Interview: Best Experiences
Isabel is a millennial travel blogger from Singapore with the great website Bel Around The World.
When reading her fantastic travel blog you will find many awesome adventures, informative travel guides, interesting personal stories and...
Warlords of Atlantis: Awesome Things to Know
Warlords of Atlantis (1978) is one of those movies that stuck with me as a kid. However, I never knew the film's name until I saw it again just recently.
It is one of those...
Kayaking Rapid Bay, Second Valley (South Australia)
Kayaking from Rapid Bay to Second Valley has been on my list of things to do in South Australia for ages.
My inflatable kayak hadn't been used in a while. So when summer came around,...