Signs of Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow
Looking out for signs of Iris is an enjoyable pastime for many people.
You see, Iris is the Greek Goddess of the Rainbow, and everyone loves spotting a rainbow in the sky.
Iris is also a...
Learn 20 Basic Greek Words and Phrases
Greek lesson 4 teaches you a few basic Greek words and phrases to slowly build up Greek language skills and confidence in speaking Greek.
These are common Greek words, everyday Greek words, and useful Greek...
Atlantis Story by Plato: What happened to Atlantis?
The ancient Atlantis story by Plato raises many questions about Atlantis.
To this day, there are still many people who are curious to know if Atlantis existed, the location of Atlantis, and what happened to...
20 Things to do in the Adelaide Hills this Weekend
There are plenty of things to do in the Adelaide Hills that attract locals and tourists alike—especially on the weekend.
The Adelaide Hills could easily pass off as the English countryside in certain places.
One of...
How to make Greece great again: The 5 Best Things Greeks can do
Most Greeks and friends of Greece would probably like to know how to make Greece great again.
I'm sure there are plenty of people out there with their own ideas and strategies to achieve it.
Have You Ever Watched MythQuest?
You probably haven't heard of the Canadian TV series MythQuest before, unless you're from Canada, and even then, I wouldn't say I like your chances.
MythQuest appeared on Canadian television in 2001 as a children's...
20 Best Greek Mythology Card Games (including Apps)
Here's an awesome collection of the best Greek mythology card games, including cards (physical products) and electronic Apps (digital products).
Some Greek mythology card games are even available in both formats, as Greek mythology-related cards...
10 Best Things to Do in Strathalbyn
I discovered the best things to do in Strathalbyn only by accident.
You see, the town of Strathalbyn is best known for having antique shops.
So one day, I decided to visit Strathalbyn to see if...
How Are You in Greek: How to Respond if Asked
When someone asks, "How are you?" in Greek, what can you say? Well, this Greek lesson will teach you how to respond if asked.
Alternatively, you may want to know how to ask this question yourself.
There are...
A Greek Odyssey: An Interview with Jeff Murray
The masterpiece "A Greek Odyssey" by Jeff Murray first drew my attention to this amazing artist. I couldn't believe the amount of detail that went into its creation.
I could see Poseidon rising out of the...