What are the best destinations and sites in Greece in which to get high on Greek mythology and legend. I'll start with number 1 as being the top destination and go down from there. I've paired destinations together which can...
The best hikes in Greece would have to include at least one of these. 1. Athens This is my top recommendation for a walk around Athens in 1 day. It takes in 5 magical sights. Start early 1) Temple of Olympian Zeus History:...
The best fountains in Italy of Neptune (Nettuno) I've ever come across are shown here. 1. Fountain of Neptune (Fontana del Nettuno) - Piazza del Popolo Location: Old historical city centre, Rome, Italy Creator: Giovanni Ceccarini Date Constructed: 1822-1823 Neptune is seen in the...
The ten best places to visit in Spain can include impressive museums like the Prado Museum and amazing grand palaces like the Alhambra. Then there are fun festivals in Spain, like the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona. You see, there are plenty...
Noosa is one of the best places in Australia to take your mum on a great family holiday. Some of you may be thinking, who wants to go on a holiday with their mum? Yeah, it was a pretty...
Aelous A megayacht named after the Greek god of the wind. https://youtu.be/PQ8JXhIGK-A Venus Venus (or “Aphrodite”) is a superyacht built for Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and his family. It makes you wonder, did Steve Jobs believe in the Greek Gods? In 2013 the luxury...
Bali, the island of the Gods, is a land of ornate temples, lush waterfalls, emerald rice fields, and amazing beach clubs, boasting Instagram-perfect scenery that will make you think you've stumbled into the ultimate paradise. Millions of travelers flock...
Have you ever travelled primarily to enjoy the food and beverages of a particular country? It can be easy to forget when you’re busy touring ancient sites, partying or relaxing by the beach, among other things. Always remember though, one...
If you want to plan a Blue Mountains itinerary for a fantastic day trip or better still, a Blue Mountains itinerary for 2 days to possibly enjoy over a weekend, you've come to the right place. Visiting the Blue Mountains...