If you want to plan a Blue Mountains itinerary for a fantastic day trip or better still, a Blue Mountains itinerary for 2 days to possibly enjoy over a weekend, you've come to the right place. Visiting the Blue Mountains...
Coming up with the 30 best beaches in Australia is not easy, especially once you know there are 10,685 beaches to choose from in the land down under. The truth is no one can come up with a list of...
The Murray River is Australia's longest river, so going on a Murray River day cruise is something to think about if you want to see more of the remarkable Australian landscape. I have to admit I didn't know much about...
Portugal is the birth place of great ocean explorers including Christopher Columbus and Magellan. It's extraordinary to think that Magellan, from Portugal, is considered to be the first person to have circumnavigated the world by sea. This would have been...
You can learn some valuable lessons from these 8 travel scams. Females, consider yourself lucky in that the first two are for guys only. 1. The Siren Call Scam When touring Russia, a few of us went to a night club...
Hawaii as a whole is generally considered to be made up of eight islands. Five of them are relatively larger islands. They include Hawaii (Big Island), Maui, Molokai, Oahu and Kauai. Three of the eight islands are quite small....