Allusions to Greek Mythology are all over the place in the modern world.
Names, brands, logos, symbols, and words can be very influential, especially when they associate themselves with Greek Gods and Goddesses and Greek Mythology.
There are thousands of allusions based on Greek mythology and legend in existence.
Here are many examples to keep you in awe:
The place where Plato taught. From Greek Academeia ”grove of Akademos.”
Akademos is a legendary Athenian of the Trojan War tales. His name is thought to mean “of a silent district.” His estate, six stadia from Athens, is said to be where Plato had his school.
- Many institutions of higher learning and culture often use Academy at the beginning of the discipline name, such as the Academy of Fine Arts.
Achilles heal
Achilles was shot in the heel by an arrow during the Trojan War. It killed him.
- An Achilles heal now refers to someone with some small but significant weakness.
The Goddess Artemis turned the huntsman Actaeon into a stag after he saw the Goddess naked.
- Five battleships from the English Royal Navy were named HMS Actaeon from 1757 to 1831.
A very handsome guy who became the lover of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love.
- The archetype of a handsome young man. e.g. He’s an Adonis.
King and father of the Greek hero Theseus, the hero who slayed the Minotaur.
- The Aegean Sea is named in his honor.
- Aegean Airlines also takes its name from Aegeus.
The shield of Zeus and Athena with the head of Medusa in the center.
- In the modern world, Aegis is a leading insurance service provider.
- Under the Aegis of means with the sponsorship, authority, or protection of.
God of Winds
An Aeolian harp produces musical flute sounds as the wind passes over its strings.
Here’s an Aeolian harp on the south coast of Ireland with a beautiful sound.
Warrior associated with the Trojan War.
- A popular household cleaner.
Alexander the Great
- He founded the famed city of Alexandria in Egypt.
A race of warrior women.
- Amazon is the name of the world-famous online retailer.
- Amazon river in South America.
One of the 12 Olympians. The God of Light and Arts.
- Apollo 11 was the first spaceflight to land humans on the moon.
- The Apollo Theatre is a famous theatre in New York.
- Comedy acts perform live at the Apollo in London.
Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Sex
- An Aphrodisiac arouses sexual desire.
The God of War
- NASA has launched vehicles and rockets named after Ares.
- An exclusive vehicle is named Ares.
Goddess of Wisdom
- Athens, the capital of Greece, was named after Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom.
Titan doomed by Zeus to support the heavens on his shoulders.
- An Atlas is a book/collection of maps.
- Atlassian is a wealthy company that provides software for big banks.
- The Atlas Mountains in Africa obtained their name from the Titan.
Calypso is the sea Goddess who held Odysseus captive on her island for seven years. She promised Odysseus immortality if he agreed to stay with her.
- Name of the boat used by Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997) to explore the oceans around the world.
- Calypso is an Afro-Caribbean style of music.
- You can find her in movies about The Odyssey.
The prophetess who turned down Apollo for some reason.
- Now no one believes a Cassandra. So it’s a bit of a risk naming your daughter Cassandra even to this day.
The three-headed dog who guards the entrance to Hades (the Underworld).
- Cerberus Capital Management is a private investment firm. In 2017, they managed over $30 billion.
The Sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi. In ancient times, Delphi was considered to be the center of the world.
- Delphi Forums encourage discussions, chats, and finding answers.
- Delphi is the name of an International Automotive Group.
- It’s also a type of programming language.
Eros (Cupid)
God of Love
- Valentines Day symbol.
- Erotica able to stimulate sexual feelings.
- Eros is also a fragrance.
Zeus was besotted with the beautiful princess.
- The continent of Europe is derived from her name.
Three sisters who spread the joy of nature and beauty.
- Grace has since come to mean elegance and beauty of form, expression, or movement.
The Greek strongman who completed 12 famous labours.
- Hercules is associated with a top-selling computer Graphics card. Their slogan: Legendary Strength, Quality, and Performance.
- Hercules transport planes can carry huge cargo loads.
- To be given a Herculean task is to be given any near impossible or extremely difficult job.
The Olympian Messenger
- Hermes staff, the Caduceus, is used as a symbol by medical practitioners.
- It’s also a brand of soap.
- The FTD flower delivery company uses Hermes and his winged heels in its logo.
- Hermes is a luxury goods brand famous for its expensive status symbol handbags.
A young man named Leander swam across the Hellespont every night to spend time with his lover Hero, who was a female priestess of Aphrodite.
Is it just me, or does it sound weird that Hero is a female name?
- GoPro HERO Camcorders record adventurous pursuits.
- Any brave person who risks their life to help someone else can be called a hero.
Hercules killed the multi-headed sea serpent.
- A Greek island relatively close to Athens is called Hydra.
- Name of the Internet chess club.
A messenger ran 26 miles from Marathon to Athens to bring news of victory in 490 Alpha (BC).
- The modern marathon is a foot race of 26 miles (42.195 kilometers).
Roman name of the God of War.
- Martial relates to fighting or war.
- Mars bars are tasty chocolate bars.
- The planet Mars is named after the God of War.
The snake-haired Gorgon, whose gaze turned people into stone.
- Versace uses a Gorgon (Medusa) as its logo.
- The Medusa Cement Company sells cement products worldwide.
Advisor to Telemachus, who was the son of Odysseus.
- Someone who acts as a wise trusted advisor, guide or senior supporter.
Roman name given to Hermes, the God of travel.
- Mercury Marine is a manufacturer of outboard motors for boats.
- Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
- Ford vehicle model: The black car with orange/yellow flames in the movie Grease was a custom Mercury. Here’s another mean-looking Mercury. A wide range of Mercury vehicles exist and many of them look very different.

A Greek king who could turn everything he touched into gold.
- Having the Midas Touch is the ability to achieve wealth or success from one’s actions.
- Midas is a chain of automotive service centers.
Milky Way
Hercules spilled milk when he was young and breastfeeding up in the stars.
- The Milky Way is the galaxy in which the earth is located.
- Milky Way is a chocolate bar especially for kids.
God of Sleep and Dreams
- Morphine is a drug extracted from opium, used in medicine.
The 9 sister Goddesses who each specialised in an art or science.
- A museum is home to the Muses.
- Music is an art in protection of the Muses.
- Nine Muses are an all girl group from South Korea.
The drink of the Gods.
- Any delicious drink.
A youth who fell in love with his own reflection.
- Narcissism is a warning not to love yourself too much.
Greek Goddess of Victory
- Nike is the number 1 sports clothing company in the world, often associated with winners.
Attractive Goddesses who like to hang out near water and natural environments.
- Beautiful young women.
- Nymphs is a sexy Swedish TV series fantasy where you can see beautiful nymphs.
- Nymphomania refers to high female sexual desire.
Son of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth)
- Obviously where the ocean got its name.
10 year long adventurous journey the hero Odysseus experienced when returning home to Ithaca.
- Odyssey Records
- Odyssey Cruise Lines.
- Anyone going on a long random journey is on some sort of odyssey.
Olympic Games
Ancient Greek games/festivities, held every fourth year in honour of Zeus.
- The modern take on the Olympic Games returned to Athens in 1894.
- Olympic Airlines started in 1957.
- The flame ceremony of the Olympic Games is dedicated to the Greek Gods.
Home of the Olympian Gods.
- A leading photographic camera and technology company.
- The billion dollar satellite named Olympus was destroyed soon after being launched into space. One of the proofs that Greek Gods exist.
Omega Ω
The 24th and last letter in the Greek alphabet.
- Omega is the famous quality watch maker and official timer of the modern Olympic Games.
- The saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” is definitely better suited as something Zeus would say. He’s Greek after all.
- Omega-3 is a natural unsaturated fatty acid found in fish oil which can reduce blood cholesterol.
- In the movie ‘Revenge of the Nerds’ the guys from Lambda Lambda Lambda are affiliated with the frat house Omega-Mu.
The Oracle of Delphi.
- Giant business database software company.
The giant huntsman.
- Orion Pictures is a motion picture production company. Films include classics like Robocop (1987), Bill & Ted Excellent Adventure films, and Sphinx (1981).
Nature God who enjoyed playing the Pan pipes.
- Panic and pandemonium were inspired by Pan.
The first woman whose name means “all-gifted” opened a box (jar) releasing all of the problems in the world. Luckily, Pandora managed to shut it just in time, before hope could escape.
- Pandora is a famous jewellery company, well known for its charm bracelets.
- Pandora radio
- Pandora’s Box now refers to any source of unforeseen difficulties, similar to opening a can of worms.
Where most people want to go at the end of their life.
- Greek Gods Paradise home page.
The guy judge in a beauty Goddess contest and the lover of Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world.
- Paris is the city of love and the capital city of France.
- Paris Hilton
The Temple of Athena is located on top of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece.
- Name given to many Greek restaurants around the world, so I hear.
The flying horse which sprung from Medusa’s head after she was beheaded by Perseus.
- Readers Digest Logo.
- Mobilgas has Pegasus as its logo.
- The Pegasus satellite program was launched in 1965.
The Titan who gifted fire to man.
- The movie Prometheus.
- Promethium is an artificial radioactive element.
- Prometheus Entertainment gave us Ancient Aliens.
The lover of Eros.
- Psyche now refers to the human mind or soul.
Sea nymphs whose singing lured sailors to their demise on rocks.
Odysseus managed to hear their singing after he safely strapped himself to the ship’s mast. His crew blocked their ears with wax so they could sail past safely.
- A siren is now a loud wailing sound which is used as a warning or signal.
A race of giant Gods preceding the Olympians.
- Titanic is the name of the ship that tragically sunk after being hit by an iceberg in 1912.
- Titanium is a strong white metallic element used to create tough lightweight alloys especially for airplane parts.
- Titan Tool & Die Company manufactures tools for industry.
- The Tennessee Titans play in the NFL.
- Being referred to as a Titan in a specific field means being one of the big players, a giant in your field, such as being a titan of the computer industry.
Legendary warriors from ancient times.
- Trojan condoms keep you safe.
Trojan Horse
The sneaky Greek strategy that won them the 10 year long war against the Trojans, when Greek soldiers hid inside a hollow wooden horse.
- A Trojan Horse is even used in modern times as a way of gaining unauthorised access into computer systems.
The three-pronged spear used by Poseidon.
- The official logo of the car company Maserati.
- Christians deviously turned the trident symbol into the devil’s pitchfork.
- Trident gum
Roman name given to Aphrodite, Goddess of Love.
- Venus is a major beauty product brand.
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