Here's an awesome collection of the best Greek mythology card games, including cards (physical products) and electronic Apps (digital products). Some Greek mythology card games are even available in both formats, as Greek mythology-related cards and as a digital card...
Did Lord Elgin save the ancient Parthenon Marbles from destruction or did he steal them? Well the answer is simple. If he saved them from potential destruction, well and good. He would've wanted to return them to Greece one day,...
The best beers in Australia would probably include beers like James Boag, Carlton Draught, Victoria Bitter, Coopers Pale Ale, or XXXX Gold. But what if I told you that an Australian beer company produces excellent quality craft beers associated with...
The masterpiece "A Greek Odyssey" by Jeff Murray first drew my attention to this amazing artist. I couldn't believe the amount of detail that went into its creation. I could see Poseidon rising out of the blue Aegean Sea in an...
This is a guide to the best galleries, museums, and places in Adelaide with Greek and Roman mythology Art on display. Anyone interested in Greek mythology who finds themselves in Adelaide must visit at least one of these twelve awesome...
1. Ulysses 31 (French-Japanese Animated series) 1981-1982, 26 half-hour episodes This futuristic myth is about Odysseus (known as "Ulysses" in Latin) and his son, Telemachus, trying to make it back to earth in their spaceship after destroying the giant metallic Cyclops,...
There are plenty of movies based on The Odyssey and quite a few imaginative adaptions in film and TV shows that pay homage to Homer's classic epic poem. Odysseus (called Ulysses in Latin) was the Greek hero who took 10 years...