Hotels in Greece with Greek God

Best Hotels in Greece: Cheap to Luxury

Choosing the best hotels in Greece to stay at depends on various things such as the hotel's location in Greece, and how much it costs. For instance, do you want to stay at a cheap...
Jason and the Argonauts Movie Myth Tribute

Jason and the Argonauts Movie Myth Tribute

One fateful day, a surge of inspiration compelled me to create a fascinating Jason and the Argonauts movie tribute. Fueled by an intense passion and deep-seated admiration for the timeless movie masterpiece that is...

25 Best Greek Desserts, Cakes, and Pastries

Greek pastries are some of the best desserts to eat. So I wanted to taste many different Greek desserts, cakes, and pastries to learn more about them. That way, I could discover all of the...
Ancient Greek Flowers

30 Ancient Greek Flowers and Greek Mythology

Ancient Greek flowers exist today due to the extraordinary powers of Greek Gods and Goddesses. As incredible as it may sound, ancient Greek flowers were often willed into existence by one of the Greek Gods...
World Top Places to Visit

World: Top 12 Best Places to Visit

Here are the top 12 best places in the world to visit before you die. I can highly recommend visiting all of these top 12 places in the world for anyone wanting to see the...
The Warriors Movie Cast

The Warriors Movie 1979: Ancient Greek Warriors

The Warriors (1979) is a classic movie about a New York City street gang from Coney island who go to the Bronx for a multi-gang meeting. Loads of street gangs attend in order to hear...
Souvlaki gyros

How to Order Souvlaki and Gyros in Greek

Greek lesson 7 teaches you how to order souvlaki and gyros in Greek as if you were born and bred in Greece. In this Greek-speaking lesson you will learn: the difference between Greek souvlaki and...
Murray River views from Bridgeport Hotel Murray Bridge

Best Murray River Day Cruise from Adelaide

The Murray River is Australia's longest river, so going on a Murray River day cruise is something to think about if you want to see more of the remarkable Australian landscape. I have to admit...
The Smooth Escape in Greece Marjut Interview Pic

Interview with The Smooth Escape about Greece

An interview with The Smooth Escape came about after I stumbled upon a web page about the Greek island of Milos. Initially, the awesome pictures taken in Milos on The Smooth Escape drew my attention. Then...
Greek Mythology Commercials

20 Best Greek Mythology Commercials with Gods

Greek mythology commercials advertise everything from cars and trucks to perfumes and chocolates. No wonder because using Greek mythology in commercials is a fantastic way to attract attention! Greek Gods and Goddesses often appear in these...