What you are going to read here is an interview with the AI Chatbot DeepAI. The aim was to see how knowledgeable AI Chat is on topics related to Greece and Greek mythology. There are a variety of other AI chatbots...
One fateful day, a surge of inspiration compelled me to create a fascinating Jason and the Argonauts movie tribute. Fueled by an intense passion and deep-seated admiration for the timeless movie masterpiece that is "Jason and the Argonauts" (1963),...
The masterpiece "A Greek Odyssey" by Jeff Murray first drew my attention to this amazing artist. I couldn't believe the amount of detail that went into its creation. I could see Poseidon rising out of the blue Aegean Sea in an...
Astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei was born in the Italian town of Pisa, where the famous leaning tower of Pisa is situated. It’s almost like the Greek Gods sent him to straighten things out, or was it Gaia (Mother Earth)...
Choosing the best hotels in Greece to stay at depends on various things such as the hotel's location in Greece, and how much it costs. For instance, do you want to stay at a cheap hotel in Greece? Or do...
Greek God Apollo powers include being a master of archery, divination, and poetry. Apollo symbols include the swan, laurel wreath, and lyre.  When you think about it, Apollo's powers are truly incredible! Apollo powers may even be greater than any other...
Greece is pretty close to Italy. Did you know that there's a slice of Greece in Australia? South Australia has a mysterious piece of land that resembles the shape of Italy, as you can see in the green blurry image. Australia is...
1. My first European Holiday - Contiki Tour Nightmare For my very first trip to Europe I decided to go on a London to Athens Contiki tour. Unfortunately, I shared a room with a stocky white guy from South Africa...
????????????? 1. Birth and early childhood Read stories about the Greek myths to your children. There are plenty of great books very suitable for young kids to be introduced to the Greek deities, heroes and monsters. Do not allow your child to...
Greek philosophy is supposed to make you think. Let's start with Plato's Cave theory. For those of you who need a refresher on Plato's most memorable thought exercise, you can't do better than this. https://youtu.be/-seVSh1v3ds Now I will try and convince you...